أحدث مقاطع الفيديو

Hossam Magdy Balaha
15,472 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Sharkny is an application used to share experience between different people in different fields and subjects, by sharing your opinions and asking necessary questions, with the ability to filter the feeds with different options, like, unlike, vote and comment.

This application is a prototype, can be converted to a web application, or mobile one.
This application is applied on the System Analysis Course.

Team: PlusOne.
Included music is not owned by this channel.
Copyrighted idea and application.

Hossam Magdy Balaha
8,468 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

IoT Management System using Pi and PHP in Arabic
By: Hossam M. Balaha
C.V.: http://bit.ly/2wAZ2nI
Project Aims (Objectives)
1) Create a user dashboard to handle the different sensors and actuators.
2) Control the different devices using a website.
3) Register and un-register the hardware devices through the website.
4) Turn ON/OFF devices through the website to toggle the acceptance of readings from them.
4) Set rules on sensors for automatic actuators toggling (ON/OFF) through the website. For example: Turning ON/OFF a Buzzer when the latest sensor reading exceeds a specified threshold (value).
5) Set calibrations on the devices through the website.
6) Displaying alarms (notifications) based on the set calibrations in the website.
7) Display the stored readings of devices in the website.
8) Display live readings of devices in the website.
9) Each user has his/her own account with profile info and settings.
You can watch the promo (first) video for a visual project description.
Link: https://youtu.be/NKcafrXHCxk
Project Repo. on GitHub
Link: https://github.com/HossamBalah....a/IoT-Management-Sys
Full Playlist and Videos
Full Playlist:
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLVrN2LRb7eT
1) Web Development course using PHP
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLVrN2LRb7eT
2) IoT (Internet of Things) course using Pi and Python.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLVrN2LRb7eT
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other
electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of me, except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-
commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the
publisher at the address below.
Email: h3ossam@gmail.com

Hossam Magdy Balaha
4 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

IoT Management System using Pi and PHP in Arabic
By: Hossam M. Balaha
C.V.: http://bit.ly/2wAZ2nI
Project Aims (Objectives)
1) Create a user dashboard to handle the different sensors and actuators.
2) Control the different devices using a website.
3) Register and un-register the hardware devices through the website.
4) Turn ON/OFF devices through the website to toggle the acceptance of readings from them.
4) Set rules on sensors for automatic actuators toggling (ON/OFF) through the website. For example: Turning ON/OFF a Buzzer when the latest sensor reading exceeds a specified threshold (value).
5) Set calibrations on the devices through the website.
6) Displaying alarms (notifications) based on the set calibrations in the website.
7) Display the stored readings of devices in the website.
8) Display live readings of devices in the website.
9) Each user has his/her own account with profile info and settings.
You can watch the promo (first) video for a visual project description.
Link: https://youtu.be/NKcafrXHCxk
Project Repo. on GitHub
Link: https://github.com/HossamBalah....a/IoT-Management-Sys
Full Playlist and Videos
Full Playlist:
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLVrN2LRb7eT
1) Web Development course using PHP
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLVrN2LRb7eT
2) IoT (Internet of Things) course using Pi and Python.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLVrN2LRb7eT
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other
electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of me, except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-
commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the
publisher at the address below.
Email: h3ossam@gmail.com

Hossam Magdy Balaha
4 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Speaker Player - Just a View

Contact @ https://www.facebook.com/tep2016

Hossam Magdy Balaha
3 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Showing Files Hidden By Shortcut Virus Using Command Prompt.

|No Sound Included|

By Hossam Balaha
Mansoura University - Computer And Control System Department

Hossam Magdy Balaha
3 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

DC MOTOR Test 1 - Just a View

Using MikroC - Proteus...

By: HB...

Contact @ https://www.facebook.com/tep2016

Hossam Magdy Balaha
3 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

IoT Management System using Pi and PHP in Arabic
By: Hossam M. Balaha
C.V.: http://bit.ly/2wAZ2nI
Project Aims (Objectives)
1) Create a user dashboard to handle the different sensors and actuators.
2) Control the different devices using a website.
3) Register and un-register the hardware devices through the website.
4) Turn ON/OFF devices through the website to toggle the acceptance of readings from them.
4) Set rules on sensors for automatic actuators toggling (ON/OFF) through the website. For example: Turning ON/OFF a Buzzer when the latest sensor reading exceeds a specified threshold (value).
5) Set calibrations on the devices through the website.
6) Displaying alarms (notifications) based on the set calibrations in the website.
7) Display the stored readings of devices in the website.
8) Display live readings of devices in the website.
9) Each user has his/her own account with profile info and settings.
You can watch the promo (first) video for a visual project description.
Link: https://youtu.be/NKcafrXHCxk
Project Repo. on GitHub
Link: https://github.com/HossamBalah....a/IoT-Management-Sys
Full Playlist and Videos
Full Playlist:
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLVrN2LRb7eT
1) Web Development course using PHP
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLVrN2LRb7eT
2) IoT (Internet of Things) course using Pi and Python.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLVrN2LRb7eT
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other
electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of me, except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-
commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the
publisher at the address below.
Email: h3ossam@gmail.com

Hossam Magdy Balaha
4 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Ubuntu Tutorial (1) : How to create a file on the Desktop.

Mansoura University - Faculty of Engineering.

Operating System (Course 1) - Ubuntu v.12

HB @ https://www.facebook.com/tep2016?ref=tn_tnmn

Hossam Magdy Balaha
6 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

How to draw bode diagram on a 'Semi-Log' paper

Language : Arabic

For Mansoura Uni. Students - Faculty of Engineering - CSED

@ https://www.facebook.com/tep2016?ref=tn_tnmn

HB - 17-05-2013

Hossam Magdy Balaha
2 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Full Stack Web Development
- What are functions?
- How to create functions in JavaScript?
- What are the different types of functions? Built-in and User defined.
- What are the different categories of user defined functions in JavaScript?
- What is the usage of "return" and "arguments" keywords?
- How to call functions? Why to call functions?
- What is "NaN" in JavaScript?
- What are annonymous functions in JavaScript?
- What are callback functions in JavaScript?
- What are self-invoked functions in JavaScript?
- What are IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) in JavaScript?
- What are closures in JavaScript?
By: Hossam M. Balaha
C.V.: http://bit.ly/2wAZ2nI

Hossam Magdy Balaha
2 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Full Stack Web Development
- How to handle AJAX requests using PHP?
- How to get data 20-by-20 from the database using AJAX and PHP?
- How to convert the content to JSON in PHP?
- What is usage of "json_encode" and "json_decode" functions in PHP?
- How to use "Font Awesome" library in HTML?
- How to make animated icons using "Font Awesome"?
- How to resize the icons using "Font Awesome"?
- Why should we disable the buttons after pressing on them on AJAX calls?
- Why should be display loaders (spinners) after pressing on buttons that perform AJAX calls?
By: Hossam M. Balaha
C.V.: http://bit.ly/2wAZ2nI

Hossam Magdy Balaha
5 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Full Stack Web Development
By: Hossam M. Balaha
C.V.: http://bit.ly/2wAZ2nI

Hossam Magdy Balaha
3 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Full Stack Web Development
- What is Bootstrap?
- How to install (include) Bootstrap?
- How to use Bootstrap as a CDN?
- What are the backdraws of using native CSS?
- What is a grid system? How to apply it in the webpage?
By: Hossam M. Balaha
C.V.: http://bit.ly/2wAZ2nI

Hossam Magdy Balaha
3 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Full Stack Web Development
- What is the big picture of web development?
- What is PHP?
- What is Apache?
- What is the extension of PHP files?
- index.php vs. index.html.
- Can PHP include HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes?
- How to configure XAMPP to start your web application?
- What are variables?
- What are the primitive data types in PHP?
- How to write (declare) variables in PHP?
- What are constants?
- How to write (define) constants in PHP?
- How to display results in PHP?
- Comparing between "echo", "print", "print_r", "printf", "sprintf" and "var_dump" in PHP.
- What is string formatting in PHP?
By: Hossam M. Balaha
C.V.: http://bit.ly/2wAZ2nI

Hossam Magdy Balaha
4 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

This project aims to find the best hyperparameters that can be used in the learning and classification phase that lead to the highest performance metrics using a metaheuristic optimizer. The project uses a public dataset from Kaggle named "COVID-19 Chest X-ray Image Dataset" that can be found at https://www.kaggle.com/dataset....s/alifrahman/covid19 The project utilizes the "Manta-ray Foraging Optimization" (MRFO) metaheuristic optimizer that can be found at https://www.sciencedirect.com/....science/article/pii/

Major Phases
- Dataset Acquisition.
- Dataset Balancing using Data Augmentation.
- Dataset Scaling (Normalization).
- Dataset Splitting.
- Learning and Optimization.
-- Population Initialization.
-- Fitness Function Evaluation.
-- Population Updating.
-- Logging and Reporting.
-- Repeat the Last Three Steps until Convergence or Iteration Completion.

The fitness function evaluation utilizes the transfer learning CNN model. It runs the learning, testing, and validation of the model using the specified dataset. It reports the required performance metrics and returns the fitness function score.

Project Repo. on GitHub
Link: https://github.com/HossamBalah....a/CNN-Hyperparameter

Hossam Magdy Balaha
8 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

الحلقه الرابعة من Introduction To Algorithms بالعربى
المتطلبات لتحصيل اكبر:

1. معرفه بسيطه عن اى لغه من لغات البرمجه.
2. متابعه و تجربه.
Page : https://www.facebook.com/AlgorithmsInArabic
Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated and will help us to improve our quality

نحن نقدر آرائكم و تعليقاتكم.

Hossam Magdy Balaha
8 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Full Stack Web Development
- Discussing colors and dimensions.
- Keyword, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA and hexadecimal notation colors are discussed.
- Relative (%, em, rem, vw and vh) and absolute (in, cm, mm, px and pt) dimensions are discussed.
- Properties such as width, height, font-size, color, background-color and opacity are discussed.
By: Hossam M. Balaha
C.V.: http://bit.ly/2wAZ2nI

Hossam Magdy Balaha
6 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

الحلقه الخامسة عشر من Introduction To Algorithms بالعربى
لنك تطبيق الـAnimation المستخدم فى الفيديو
** "المتطلبات Net framework 4.5 او اعلى" **



المتطلبات لتحصيل اكبر:

1. معرفه بسيطه عن اى لغه من لغات البرمجه.
2. متابعه و تجربه.
Page : https://www.facebook.com/AlgorithmsInArabic
Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated and will help us to improve our quality

نحن نقدر آرائكم و تعليقاتكم.

Hossam Magdy Balaha
2 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Digital Control - Stability Methods - Jury's Test

PDF of slides: https://drive.google.com/file/....d/0B2nAj36zQFpxNDVlZ

(In case of that PDF is deleted due to any reason, please inform to re-upload).

|No Sound Included|

By Hossam Balaha
Mansoura University - Computer And Control System Department

Hossam Magdy Balaha
4 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Raspberry Pi with Python
- What is Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04?
- How to obtain the distance equation?
- How to map from 5v to 3.3v?
- How to calculate the distance in Python?
- Reading Ultrasonic sensor distances.
By: Hossam M. Balaha
C.V.: http://bit.ly/2wAZ2nI

أظهر المزيد